


2 years ago

Community Search Functionality

Perhaps I'm missing something, but I can't find a SEARCH functionality anywhere, for the community. This is probably the most important part of an online community... to allow users to first search and see if a topic already exists... if it doesn't, they can post a new topic. Do you plan to add this feature? If it already exists, perhaps it could be made more prevalent?

Take a look on Reddit, how it allows you to search the Subreddit you are navigating or the entire site... Also check out and how the search tool works on those forums. Facebook search algorithm is terrible IMO, but you can search the whole site, or when you visit a group, there's a search functionality there as well, to search the one specific group.

1 comment
  • Jordan
    Jordan 2 years ago
    I wonder if the Thrive team has anyone monitoring comments in the community 🤔